

Warranty claims as a great opportunity to provide good service

"The better a company deals with a difficult situation, the more it shows the true nature of the company."

Huddig News Anna 02

Anna Rindegren has been working with warranties at Huddig since 2018. 

- Learning the machine was a very fun but also scary challenge. I came to Huddig thanks to my experience of customer service and my human interest, thereafter I learned more about how the machine works. It was a great insight for me that I can become good at my job without having had a motor interest since childhood, like many others who work here. I don’t know the machine inside and out, but I learn new things every day which is a great experience. I dared to try something completely new, far outside my comfort zone, and it turned out to be an unexpended success for me. I love learning new things and here at Huddig I really got something to dig into. 

Complaints are made through service providers and suppliers 

- When a machine part needs to be replaced, the service provider sends it to me. I receive the part, handle it and then make an assessment of eventual compensation. After that I send the part for warranty claim to the supplier. Since I do not have direct contact with the end customer it is very important for me to have a good relationship with both service providers and suppliers who in their turn take the dialogue with the customer.

Complaints as a way of detecting patterns and trends 

- An important part of my work is also to discover trends and patterns in the warranty claims, for example if many parts of the same kind are being returned. By gathering information about what is wrong and why, I can use the insights in order to help the supplier improve their products, which everyone benefits from. 

Anna also sees warranty as service and a chance for the company to show how you handle tough situations. 

- Many people back away from complaints as something hard and uncomfortable. For me, it is about a customer who needs to be satisfied. Complaints are in essence customer service. The better a company deals with a difficult situation, the more it shows the true nature of the company. When we encounter problems, we get the opportunity to show who we really are. This gives us a valuable opportunity to show the customer that we are there to listen and solve the problem that has arisen. Therefore, I see warranties as an opportunity to turn a problem into a good experience.

A strong chain is ensured thanks to high demands on service providers 

- We work close to our service providers all the time. They undergo training and certifications to perform service on our products. We are many who work together from different places in order to make the customer satisfied. The most important thing is to always talk with the customer to really understand what the customer needs. We need to ensure that a customer who buys a Huddig gets quality at every level. 

Pride and passion are felt in the culture at Huddig 

- There is a passion at Huddig, we want to do everything well and have a very high ambition. We work with pride and have a culture where you do not blame the circumstances but do what you can to solve every situation.

During 2020, Anna's focus will be on the spare parts department with the goal of strengthening the department with more staff and a greater customer focus. 

- I look forward to continuing to improve our customer service and increase accessibility in the aftermarket. We are now expanding our team with another employee to work towards constantly improving our service, Anna concludes. 


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